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  • Lucy

Phew... What a week...

It's been a tough week... With a runny nose, a migraine headache, a lot of 'no' from my 3-year-old boy and even more red tape to finally get electricity meter installed. And yet...

And yet, I have made a list:

* A work-out with our crazy trainer and running buddies

* An inspiring chat with an expat entrepreneur & cyclist

* A full-moon 16km run with my hubby

* A picnic on the beach with friends

* A laugh about cornichon with my French teacher Françoise Truccano Povo

* A kick off meeting with my VA

* A testimonial from

* Happy birthday sung to my brother on the phone by my 3yo

* An interview with Brainz Magazine

* A sleep in at the weekend with a Starbucks coffee in bed

* Sofa police and sports car racing with my baby

* A surprise anniversary gift

Has it all happened by chance? Not really, as I know my ingredients of happiness by now.

Is it always easy to fit it all in? The social, the family, the ‘me’ time, the sports? No, but it is well worth the effort. Are there only highlights? No. Many lowlights, too. Do I focus on the highlights deliberately? Yes! Because our brains are not made to appreciate things or at least not for long. We are very good at noticing the things that go wrong or are missing.

But we can try to change that.

Our brains are not made to appreciate things or at least not for long. We are very good at noticing the things that go wrong or are missing.

Try to notice things

That is what I am doing with this post - shifting my attention to notice all the little things that might be taken for granted and yet when listed and appreciated make my week an amazing week.

What do you want to notice?

How would you feel if it went away?

Can you experience this feeling for a moment?

Can you appreciate how great it is that you have it in your life?

This is an exercise you can do regularly with every positive thing in your life. Visualise something disappearing for a second. Try to experience it. Then remember that it is still part of your life and try to appreciate it. How great is it to have this thing in your life?

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